Watch: AI camera mistakes referee’s bald head for football

AI camera referee bald head football

In a bizarre incident, an AI (Artificial Intelligence) camera at a football game in Scotland zeroed in on a linesman referee mistaking his bald head for a ball.

A video of the incident was shared on the internet and has gone viral, leaving not only football fans but everyone else amused.

The video is a compilation of clips taken from a game played in Inverness city.

A man named James Felton shared the bizarre and hilarious video on Twitter with a caption: “Everything is terrible. There was a football match last weekend that was ruined after the AI cameraman kept mistaking the linesman’s bald head for a football.”

It seemed the camera had forgotten the match as it kept coming back to the referee’s head every few seconds.

After being shared, Felton’s video garnered more than 9,67,600 views, 4,800 retweets and 17,000 likes.

The match between the local clubs named Inverness Caledonian Thistle and Ayr United ended in a tie.

The post Watch: AI camera mistakes referee’s bald head for football appeared first on ARY NEWS.


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